Los 4206
NEPAL. Kingdom of Patan. Jaya Vishnu Malla, 1729-1745. Mohar NS 849 = AD 1729 (Silver, 26 mm, 5.54 g, 9 h). A trident within a central circle; to left and right, ʻśrī śrīʼ (ʻLord Lordʼ in Newar); date in Nepal Sambat below, ʻ849ʼ (in Newar); within a surrounding quatrefoil, four symbols (conch shell, mace, flower and wheel) and ʻJaya Viṣṇu Malla Devaʼ (ʻJaya Vishnu Malla Devaʼ in Newar); three pellets on four sides; all within a circle surrounded by a beaded border. Rev. A garlanded sword in center; to left and right, four-beaded rosettes; above and below, two imitation Persian letters; flowers branching from base; the sun and moon on each side at the top; three-beaded symbols, two below the sun and moon and one at the bottom; citing the name of the goddess Karunamaya, ʻśrī śrī śrī Karūṇāmayaʼ (ʻLord Lord Lord Karunamayaʼ in Newar); all within a circle surrounded by a beaded border. KM 395. Minor doubling, otherwise, very fine.

From the Rainer Stoephasius Collection.
25 CHF
160 CHF
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